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So I'm sure you all know about the new Island coming out soon called Virus Island. On Virus Island your mission is to locate Patient Zero, and eradicate the disease before it spreads. Prepare for a perilous journey to the most far-out place of all — inside the human body! Here's the trailer!

I think this island is going to be such a cool adventure, this one is very unique! I don't remember the last time I got to travel through the human body. . .

Now next we have the Create Your Dream Island Contest that Jeff Kinney is hosting so you can get your dream iskand on the map! There are some sad rules though. . . Not all of them are sad but, a few. First of all, the contest begins August 1st of 2013, and your entry must be finished and mailed before December 31st of 2013. Here is part of the sadness. . . One of the other rules is that you must be at least 8 years old, and no older than 12. So those of you older than 12, you may not enter the contest. I know you are probrally thinking that you are mad because of the restriction due to age, but I think it may be because if you are like 15 years old, then what chance would some 8 year old have against you? But don't worry, you can always fake it Haha. Just kidding, don't do that. . .


If you are wondering if there is some sort of prize or reward, then here are the answers to your questions. One grand prize winner will have their island developed and made into a real, and playable island on Poptropica and launched online in 2014. Grand prize winner and (10) runners-up will receive the following books: Poptropica, The Official Guide, Astro-Knights Island, Skullduggery Island, Cryptids Island, Lunar Colony, Pencil Warrior, Friends Handbook and Poptropica Madlibs. Wich is absolutely free for you, but absolutely approximately $56.00 for them. . . By the way, if entries are incomplete or damaged they will not qualifie, so take care of those entries! If you want a little heads up on how to make your entrie worth while, then I would buy the creator kit. But you will probrally have just as good a chance of winning with the print out version found at the poptropica Dream Island page. Just click around and you'll get there.

Here are some more tips on how to make your island stand out.


A setting we've never done before

It might sound simple, but one of the very best ways to get our attention is to set your Island in a place we've never done before. Sometimes that's all it takes for us to get excited about an idea. Even if you have a great story, if it's set in 
Old Japan or on the moon, we'd probably pass. But if it's somewhere new, we'll be interested. Look for something that's never been done on Poptropica!

An interesting time period

Another way to catch our attention is to look into the distant past, or the far future. For instance, when we were writing 
Mystery Train, we started with the idea of a mystery story set on a moving train, but it wasn't until we 

decided to place it in a historical moment -- the 1893 World's Fair -- that the whole thing came together. The when of your story may be as important as the where.A twist on a familiar taleWe like genre stories. That's why we often start with time-honored premises: a Wild West story, or a vampire story. But try to figure out what makes your idea different. For instance, Astro-Knights Islandmashed up two familiar genres -- knights and aliens -- to make something new and original. No licensed properties. Believe us, we'd love to make an Island in which Harry Potter and Katniss Everdeen team up to fight Darth Vader. But it's not up to us. Other people own those properties. For this contest, we can't use existing characters, stories, or fictional worlds -- period. So make sure that everything in your entry is an original idea!

completes Virus Hunter Island during Early Access! You'll be able to see not just the top 10 finishers, but the top 100 and the top 1000. You'll be able to see where you rank. And you'll also be able to see where people around the world are playing Virus Hunter Island.

For more on Virus Hunter Island, check out the 
Virus Hunter Island info page -- and keep an eye on this blog to find out when you can expect Virus Hunter Island to be released!

With Virus Hunter Island bearing down on us like a freight train, it's time to introduce another great new feature we're adding to Poptropica: a live player map!

In the past, Poptropicans have loved our lists of the first 10 players to finish an Island. But 10 is such a small number. Since we're making everything else on Poptropica so much bigger and better, then why not this?

That's why the new player map will showcase the Virus Hunter Island World Champions -- anyone who plays and 


More News On Virus Hunter!



We are so close -- so very, very close -- to reaching our goal of 10,000 supporters for "Dr. Hare's Lair" on LEGO CUUSOO. That's the point at which our job will be done, and our friends at LEGO will decide whether or not to turn this project into a reality. Until then, it's all in our hands.


So let's finish strong. Let's cast our support for this project, and bug -- er, urge -- our friends and family to do the same.


Since the project launched last winter, we've given away some cool prizes, and we've got another one waiting in the wings for when we reach the goal.

A lot of our North American fans know the benefits of a Poptropica Game Card. It lets you get a Membership without needing a credit card or signing up for a recurring charge. But for our fans in Australia and New Zealand, getting a Poptropica Game Card has been nothing more than a dream. That's about to change.

Poptropica Game Cards are now available in Australia and New Zealand exclusively at EB Games! For only ten bucks you'll get a month-long Membership and can enjoy all the benefits: Early Access to new Islands, unlimited use of all costumes and Gold Cards in the Poptropica Store, 30 outfits in your costume closet, all the photos in your photo album, and the special satisfaction of knowing you're part of the inner circle.

So, our Australian and Kiwi friends, enjoy! And if you've already got a game card, 
redeem it here.

Once we reach 10,000, we'll be releasing a code for the new Dr. Hare Light and Shadow outfits! This will be free and available to everyone, but only once we reach our goal.


It's Dark In Here...

Surely there's nothing to be afraid of... right?

Roald Dahl is one of our favorite storytellers, and today is his birthday! To celebrate the life and work of this great author, you could page through some of his best-loved books, like Matilda, Fantastic Mr. Fox, and James and the Giant Peach.

Of course, our favorite Roald Dahl story is Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and that's why we made an Island of it last year. So if you ask us, the really and truly best way to celebrate Roald Dahl Day is to play 
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory on Poptropica!

There's a new item available in the vending machine on Main Street of Virus Hunter Island: the X-Ray Visor! Pick it up and press the spacebar to find out what your fellow Poptropicans are made of!

Uh oh, I thought they said this was going to be heartwarming! I don't like the looks of this at all...

Perfect Owl

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